JOY Group Bake Sale

Sunday, Oct. 13th  |  Before & After Service


Friday, October 18th | 5pm - 8pm



Saturday, November 2nd  |  9am - 1pm @ Gateway

Gospel Tech

Sat.Nov.23,  6pm - 8pm | Sun.Nov.24, 9am & 10:30am

If you have children in your life ages 6 – 16, then Gospel Tech resources are for you. Tech is overwhelming; our goal is to provide families with truth, encouragement, and practical tools that help your family reach its full potential. We want to see families love God and use tech.


Trampolines Concert

Friday, September 19th @ Gateway | More Details To Come...

Save the date! 09/19/2025

Recurring Events:

Gateway Kids

Sundays , During 2nd Service (No Classes in August)

Click HERE for more details

CityLight Youth Group

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm (Fall - Spring)

Click HERE for more details

Young Adults

4th Sundays @ 12:30pm

Click HERE for more details

JOY Group (50+)

2nd Sundays @ 12:30pm

Celebrate Recovery

Tuesdays @ 6:30pm | $4 meal @ 5:30pm

Click HERE for more details

Additional Events:

Experience the Holy Land & Egypt

(Postponed  |  More Details To Come...)


Gateway Kids Ministry Kiosk

Want to serve the next generation and help parents in the process? We are looking for teens and adults to serve on Sunday morning, once a month at our Kids Check-in Kiosk in the Foyer. You would be responsible to set up the kiosk and help parents and guardians check their children in for class. This is a great way to interact with and meet families and newcomers with children. Must pass a background check. Contact Joni  Allen to sign up today!

Gateway's Audio / Visual Ministry

Whether it's audio, video, livestream, etc., we are looking for volunteers who have experience or a willingness to be trained up in these areas. These serving opportunities would involve Sunday morning services and Thursday evening worship practices, plus occasional special events.  So, if you have a heart to serve and a willingness to learn and grow, please contact our Worship Pastor, Carter Cheston at carter@gatewaycf.com.