Friday, February 28th | 6:30pm - 9pm
Saturday, March 1st | 8:30am - 1pm
$10 / person
*Childcare Provided

What is this Weekend About?
The focus of concentration for this weekend is Biblical Counseling. Healthy Biblical Counseling is a need in our culture and in the Church, now more than ever before.  The need for sound Biblical counseling has risen dramatically, yet it remains difficult to locate accessible Biblical counseling.  As followers of Christ who love God and love others, we have the opportunity to respond to this need by becoming better equipped to minister to others in the world around us. This weekend is about equipping the body.

Special Keynote Speaker: Shirlee Lamoureux
Our keynote speakers will be certified Biblical Counselor Shirlee Lamoureux . Shirlee is a great communicator with years of wisdom and experience.  After raising her children , Shirlee completed an Internship with World Vision in the Inner City of Memphis and then spent 5 years ministering in a poverty stricken area in the Mississippi Delta. At age 57 she started college, working as a Registered Nursing Assistant at an Adult Care Home to help finance her schooling. She graduated summa cum laude with a BA in Leadership and Ministry from Puget Sound Christian College and then went on to graduate school at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology to become a licensed counselor. She was in private practice until she retired in 2018. Busier than ever in retirement, she continues with her calling to minister the love and grace and mercy of Christ to hurting people, mentoring individuals, sitting heart-to-heart with people as they grow into a deeper relationship with God, and training others to become more effective Christian counselors and mentors.

Sign up today and become better equipped to counsel others with a stronger Biblical focus!


Friday Evening
6:00-6:30PM – Check-in
6:30PM – Our Purpose and Objectives / Intro to Retreat Agenda
6:35-7:00PM – Worship
7:00PM – Sessions 1 & 2
9:00PM - Evening Fellowship

Saturday Morning
8:00-9:00AM – Connect Time with Breakfast Available (Muffins, Fruit, Yogurt, Coffee)
9:00AM – Devotional: Jacob Wrestled with God
9:15AM – Worship
9:30-10:30AM – Session 3
10:30AM – Break
10:45-11:30AM – Session 4
11:30AM – Break
11:45AM-12:30PM – Session 5
12:30-1:00PM – Q&A